Experience empowerment, sovereignty & a beautiful restoration of your gifts

We invite you to dip into expanded states of connection, joy & endless creativity

This is an 8 week personal mentorship immersion experience to support your expansion for new earth in profound ways.  Invest in your soul for a journey which covers all the bases for you to embrace your truth as a mystic, muse, holy woman and oracle priestess. This training will teach you how to easily turn on your oracle sight and access information at will through this powerful master class experience.

Rose Sophia oracle level 1 training

This immersive training combines a unique synergy of personal mentoring, energy techniques to clear, divine feminine mystery school lineage wisdom & temple arts practices

  • Open up channels of creative genius for endless inspiration for projects and artistic expression. Expand your intuitive gifts and gain confidence in your abilities as a healer

  • Meet and connect with your akashic record keeper, learn how to access the akashic records

  • Deeply healing immersive experience into the deep feminine mystery schools

  • Mastery level energetic practices & techniques to clear, align and embody the oracle state to support accurate information

  • This training will teach you how to easily turn on your oracle sight at will through this powerful master class experience as each week the material builds upon the last for results

  • Get out of the mind and into the body! Clear blocks, fears or old stories and open your higher knowing

  • Personal mentoring and transmissions with Merissa Indigo to support your journey. Weekly one on one training support and mentorship sessions so you are guided through the whole process

  • Weekly assignments, meditations and physical embodiment practices in the mystery school temple

  • Bonus materials included! Extra deep dives into the Deep Feminine Mysteries of Sophia with bonus mastery classes, embodiment practices & meditations. See our extensive curriculum for details

What sisters are saying about the Rose Sophia oracle training...

Our dear sister Grace gives a powerful and moving testimonial to our work together in this program

Beautiful written testimonial from Jen after 1 year of one  on one mentorship through this program

When I first began working with Merissa as a spiritual mentor in the Oracle Training, I was looking for more real insights into why I felt like I did about certain things. I had many views and instincts and what I now accept are my gifts, but I kept them to myself and didn’t ever meet anyone I felt comfortable sharing that part of me with. Gradually by doing more and more oracle sessions the penny dropped and I realized what I was being offered. A portal into my own heart, but most importantly how I fit into the wider organism of humanity and the earth. During sessions I was able to ask about my own path, my own lifetimes, my own purpose as well as explore other themes I'd always wondered about, that are relevant to us  all.In the course of working with Merissa over a year I feel more affirmed in my spiritual path, more confident to state my beliefs and insights, more in tune with my own psychic skills, more positive about my role in this world and what I can bring to it. Merissa helped me voice my ‘anxieties’ and showed me how they are in fact my special powers and not something to run away from. Because Merissa lives her life in this way too, she is also an inspiration to me of what is possible. Now, instead of me accessing this part of myself every now and then, I access it almost every day, which is what I want my life to be…more of these authentic moments. I feel more empowered now to consider what else I can bring to the world and how I may be just one but I am capable of so so much, it is mind blowing.I think Merissa is particularly good or skilled at listening, allowing, being patient, being raw and honest about feelings and the nitty gritty stuff and what’s in the shadows. She is an excellent encourager on the journey, a skilled guide who offers to come along for the ride and is not afraid of the bears or snakes we may meet along the way.Something which surprised me or was unexpected is how quickly I went from hiding my inner world to feeling confident enough to live it. A matter of months, not years.My main takeaway from this experience is everyone needs a Merissa in their life. Everyone has so many precious jewels inside of them, and everyone needs someone like Merissa with these oracle skills to really go deep so this life can be lived now to the full. Whatever your question, whatever your fears, whatever your inklings about who you are and why you are here, book your oracle training with Merissa now and speak it all out. You will get so so much in return.” -Jennie H. Arizona

Enter the temple

Gift yourself the activation of a lifetime to support your expression or voice, answer your highest callings as a mystic seer, increase your intuitive gifts and open powerful creative flow

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! How to thrive as an oracle priestess with this course

    2. Important, start with The prophetess: A lifestyle practice to become a crystalline vessel

    3. Materials for week 2

    4. Required: Please be prepared for class by running energy & meditating at least 15 minutes before it starts

    1. Emotional Energy: Levels of consciousness & frequency of our feelings

    2. Emotional Mastery for New Earth Entry Oracle transmission video

    3. Detox Old Paradigm Matrix to Build New Earth Within Oracle transmission video

    4. Running Energy meditation part 1 & part 2 ~ Start doing this daily for 60 minutes

    5. Running energy diagram

    6. Becoming an energy being ~ Bonus Tai Qi Gung membership for mastery

    7. Elemental Shamanism ~Starting with the healing alchemy of Fire to purify before entering the temple

    8. Connecting with the spirit of Fire: Before we begin

    9. Sacred Fire Ceremony for Personal Transformation

    10. Dhyana Candle Meditation: Focus & quiet the mind

    11. Merissa's Sacred Flame purification practice for mind, body, spirit

    1. Releasing Stuck Energy meditation

    2. Working with Doubts meditation

    3. Creating a Manifestation Bubble meditation

    4. Golden Light Healing Energies

    5. House Blessing Protocols

    6. Star-mapping the body: Your womb is a stargate

    7. Golden Womb Chakra Energy Meditation

    1. Here is your class playwork for week 1

    2. Sovereignty Statement

    3. Affirmation for Oracle aspects activation

    4. Running Energy meditation part 1

    5. Watch Class 1 Meeting Divine Mother Sophia at the Temple Gates video

    6. Fire Elemental activation song by Lovlenka

    7. Daily or 2x a week at least Burn Ritual

    1. Here is your class playwork for week 2

    2. Embodiment Practice ~Opening to receive & create miracles Exercise

    3. Watch Class 2 ~Entering the Temple to Awaken the Goddess Self video

    4. Sophia & The Rose Class 1 Replay

    5. Chakra Balancing worksheet

    6. Part 2 Running Energy meditation with expanded Sophia state

    1. Here is your class playwork for week 3

    2. Watch Class 3 Recording: Exploring Our Oracle Ancestors in the Sophia Goddess state, cosmic Q&A

    3. Elemental Shamanism ~Healing alchemy of Air or Wind for movement, communication & expression fix up

    4. Air Elemental activation song by Lovlenka

    5. Heyya song to dance and embody the wind element

    6. Mysteries of the Bee & The Dove Class 2 Replay

    7. Embodiment practice Sophia Divine Mother blessing way

About this course

  • $2,850.00
  • 64 lessons
  • 24 hours of video content

Activate your sacred remembering

Participate in a powerful lineage of women here to support the dawning of a new conscious world harmonic