Course curriculum

    1. Course outline

    1. Emotional Energy: Levels of consciousness & frequency of our feelings

    2. Frequency of Immunity ebook

    3. Watch Master class video presentation part one

    4. Watch Master class video presentation part two

    1. Watch Transmission about Divine Neutrality video

    2. Gifted membership ~Tai Qi Gung A Kriya siddha energy science, becoming real life Jedi

    3. Special offer for the next level -Deep Dive into Ayurveda: The Wholistic Elemental YOUniverse

About this course

  • $144.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Immunity from all things that do not serve our higher purpose, including lower density belief systems

Multi-dimensional hacks for your optimum health, balance & peace! This is a multi-dimensional course to review immunity as a frequency of being on all levels. We are not buying into the mass panic of 3D, we are providing solutions for our physical health and immunity, psychic health and immunity, and so much more as tools to hold your own guidance as authority over any outside data or influence.

Frequency of Immunity

How to BE the eye of the storm during these massive collective & internal shifts

  • Learn self mastery through the wisdom of Ayurveda, energy clearing, superfood nutrition, enhancing your digestion and natural detox. This is for your empowerment to hold within and share with your family, friends, pets and community.

  • Learn how to strengthen your immunity, maintain inner peace, how to manage any presenting symptoms for your self/others, and how the lightbody ties into this, as well as how to maintain a strong, healthy and balanced lightbody too!

  • Absorb a multi-dimensional understanding of symptoms as they present, and how they are a part of the ascension process/heart-opening/expansion of consciousness.

  • Re-frame any of the chaos energies to an empowering practice of re-prioritizing what is important.

  • Each session we will cover more topics, includes a pdf e-book with all suggested practices, superfoods, supplements.

Liberation from the old paradigm

we are providing solutions for our physical health and immunity, psychic health and immunity, and so much more as tools to hold your own guidance as authority over any outside data or influence.